
Manage jobs and drive more efficiency

Easily access client records, contact details, communication history and project-related information

You’ll love the flexibility and convenience of viewing all the key information you need on your mobile!

Access customer info when you're out of the office

Effortlessly find contact details within WorkflowMax by BlueRock and reduce the need to search through various platforms

View all your key information in one place


View notes, docs, costs and add attachments

Seamlessly browse attached documents, notes, tasks or to-dos and add your own

Send photos, written documents, audio and some video file types - as attachments - from your mobile to jobs

Simplified time tracking on the run

Record time your way - save it as a draft, see a weekly view, or review, edit and enter time retrospectively - all from the app

Use the start/stop timer, or enter time directly, retrospectively or by total hours worked

Strengthen client relationships by demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to meeting their individual needs

I do like how easy it is to record time meetings and notes. Most of our guys are out onsite - being able to track every minute of every day is crucial for operations and effective cost management.
Mark Forbes Contech Digital Solutions

Frequently asked questions

What devices are supported?

You can access WorkflowMax by BlueRock on any mobile device connected to the internet.

How do I switch between accounts?

It’s easy. Just select the hamburger icon at the top-left of the screen. From the list of available accounts, choose the one you wish to use.

How do I go about multi-device time recordings?

You can use WorkflowMax by BlueRock on several devices (your iPhone and laptop for example), as we've optimised the live system to display correctly just like a mobile app. You may need to refresh the screen periodically on each device to see the latest data.

Will you be building a native mobile app in future?

Absolutely. We plan to develop a native mobile app that will be available on iOS and Android within the 2024 calendar year. If you have ideas for what you'd like to see included please make a feature request.

Additional features